About The Space Endeavor

Mission Statement: 

The Space Endeavor aims to educate Central Illinois and beyond about spaceflight history and advocate for robust space exploration policies that will enable humanity to deeply explore our Solar System.

The Space Endeavor began, or launched 😉, as an opportunity to share my love for space exploration. There are thousands of ways space exploration has benefited the world, but listing the technological and scientific advances would not scratch the surface. Space exploration, most importantly, has inspired millions of people around the globe to think about a better tomorrow.

Humanity's destiny is to explore space regardless of any division created on Earth. Some have said that by exploring the Moon we, ironically, discovered Earth. Viewing our delicate and elegant planet from space reminds us of who we are, and who we hope to be. This page is dedicated to educating the public about space exploration and advocating for a larger commitment in this worthy endeavor. 
Earthrise from Apollo 8. 

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