About William

I've been a space exploration enthusiast since childhood, and I've tried throughout my life to advocate for further exploration of our universe. Therefore, I decided to start this blog about space to advocate and celebrate my passion in 2017. I tried it out for about a year, and, genuinely enjoyed putting it together. However, I was sucked back into the world of politics for a few years and simply didn't have the time to continue the blog. While thinking about my career and my life goals over the COVID-19 Pandemic quarantine, I decided I wanted my life to accomplish two things--be a public servant to answer John F. Kennedy's call to public service and advocate for space exploration. An odd combination for sure, but I am convinced that my public service work and space advocacy will help build a better world for us all.   

So why is this former politician and current public servant so interested space? To be frank, nothing has captured my attention or imagination as much as space exploration. I was the kid who watched NASA TV, built model space shuttles, and soaked up information from space documentaries, which brought about many years of bullying and mockery in school. However, I never lost my drive to learn more about space. Trying to find an educational path with space presented a challenge considering my limitations in mathematics. Luckily, I stumbled upon studying the politics and history of space exploration in college. Most of my college professors were probably exhausted by reading so many papers of mine about, or with references to, space exploration.  Space exploration is an amazing topic and human adventure that we can all share, and I look forward to expanding my knowledge of space exploration with all of you. 

I am a graduate of Bradley University in Peoria, Illinois where I earned a Master of Business Administration (MBA) and a Bachelor's degree in Political Science. 
Currently, I live in Normal, IL and work in local government. 

Former NASA Astronaut Scott Altman and I in 2016 at the Peoria Riverfront Museum. 
*All comments are my own and do not reflect any organization I am affiliated with. 

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